Angelique Velez Quotes
Being in love and in a relationship is like getting a gift everyday...Every morning you wake up and it's like "OOOOhhh, Look What I've got"
-Gabriel Blanco
What people say to your face does not hold true as to what they say behind your back...Sad part about this, is you will never know who is who. Everyday my true few - get fewer and fewer.
- Angelique Velez
I do not long for fame...nor do I strive for stardom. I strive to do exactly what it is I love and what I have a passion for. The bright lights and paparazzi might come with in some cases - but that will never be the highlight.
-Angelique Velez
I just took the time to open my eyes for a quick second, and now I am wishing I had kept them closed. There are times when I am reminded that ignorance is bliss.
-Angelique Velez
And the hardest part about this business... Is minding your own.
I am surrounded by people every day - but when I scream - no one hears me!
-Angelique Velez
If you choose to go at war with yourself - you are fighting in a battle that will never end.
-Angelique Velez
Intuition can be a real (insert bad word here) when she knows she's right and you won't listen.
-Angelique Velez
Our mind and our thoughts can be our best friend or our worst enemy.
-Angelique Velez
Dear Bruno Mars Voice, if you were a human being - I'd be in very big trouble for all this time we're spending together.
-Angelique Velez
For all those who said I couldn't, I wouldn't, I shouldn't ... I did. And to all those who said I can, I shall, and I will... We did. I just want to shout out everyone who genuinely wish well upon myself and my career. I feel like I'm on a rocketship straight to the top... And its all your energy that's pushing me there.
-Angelique Velez
Someone who has negative thoughts - especially towards others - will never get anywhere in life. Positivity has brought me to where I am today - and it will continue to take me to where I want to be. Negativity will keep you right where you are... Its a sad that some people can't grasp that- and sadder that I have to cut them off.
-Angelique Velez
Love the heart that hurts you. But never hurt the heart that loves you.
I have loved to the point of madness, and they have called me mad - but to me - its the only sensible way to love.
I have loved to the point of madness, and they have called me mad - but to me - its the only sensible way to love.
Fake people help you realize who the real people are.
-Angelique Velez
I pity the man that lacks imagination, refuses to take risks, stays within his security zone, and is bound by the laws of the same routine. For he may never know how far he can exceed his boundaries, he will never know the feel of the wind against his cheeks as he chases his dreams. And when he tells his story to his grandchildren - it will be no different than any other grandfather's tale.
-Angelique Velez
"Does anyone else have the magical headphones that tie themselves in a knot when you aren't looking?"
-Tut Geth
"Dear Success, I cant see you exactly, but I know you are near. I feel it."
-Angelique Velez
And despite all the mastery we've attained, we don't have enough mastery to stop devastating the world or to repair the devastation we've already wrought.
- Ishmael by Daniel Quinn
"The most important part of communication is to hear what isn't being said"
And todays life lesson: Do not write on yourself with nailpolish...
-Angelique Velez
I find myself trying to make my own recipes to cook because I miss my stepdaddy and he cooked the best...I download every oldies song there is because I miss my grandfather and they all remind me of him... I bought a frog statue because I Miss mom and she's a frog junkie... I argue with everyone that talks to me because I miss my grandmother and thats what she did.
-Angelique Velez
Some women choose to chase men, and some women choose to chase their dreams. If you are ever wondering which way to go...Just remember that your career will never wake up in the morning and tell you they don't love you anymore
-Lady Gaga
Writing. Writing my heart out. Out on this paper. This paper that bleeds. Bleeds from the pain. The pain of my heart. My heart is writing. Writing.
-Angelique Velez
A person who aims at nothing - is sure to hit it
Dear Stupid Puddle, Screw you and your tendency to attract my phone whenever you are near it. Because of you - I dont have a working phone and that makes me angry. Very angry.
-Angelique Velez
Love is the strongest emotion anyone can feel except for hate, but hate can't hurt you. Love, and trust, and friendship, and all the other emotions humans value so much, are the only emotions that can bring pain. Only love can break a heart into so many pieces.
-In the Forests of the Night by Amelia Atwater Rhodes
There are certain things in life that you can't recover: the stone after its thrown - the word after its said - the occasion after its missed - and the time after its gone.
A cage of steel. It is a cruel thing to do - to cage such a beautiful and passionate animal as if it was only a dumb beast - but humans do so all too often. They even cage themselves, though their bars are made of society, not of steel.
-In the Forests of the Night by Amelia Atwater Rhodes
Its funny how the minute something gets taken away from someone... It suddenly becomes the most important thing to them.
Feelings are not meant to be logical - dangerous is the man who has rationalized his emotions.
"It took me four years to learn how to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to learn how to paint like a child"
Would you rather be with the person you are in love with or the person that is in love with you?
Aim to be better off - Not better than
-Joe Budden
If I could go back - it would be back to the time when the most complicated thing in life was learning how to push myself on a swing, with no one's help.
-Angelique Velez
I dream even when I am awake.
-Angelique Velez
And someday - this moment - will just be a memory.
-Angelique Velez
You cannot chase after opportunities that are running away from you, its not intended to work out that way. It will become a cycle - and you just end up running away from opportunities chasing you. Life throws blessings/opportunities your way...take heed, for every blessing/opportunity ignored becomes a curse.
-James Adam Thevenin
Some people linger on the "What if"'s of the past and it makes it hard to focus on the "what will"'s of the future. "There are times when you can't go back - so you need only worry about the best way of moving forward."
-The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo
Some people say things so strange - I don't know how to finish the conversation.
_ Unknown
I wish I was 5 years old again. So that way, when I run into the sprinklers - fully dressed, twirling around in a circle, with my head back - laughing - They Won't deem me crazy. I am not crazy damnit, I just want to let the child in me play.
-Angelique Velez
I am a dreamer as well as a believer in others, and "I see the world in terms of what I would like to see happen - rather than what actually does." And it seems that everytime I get betrayed or see betrayal- it genuinely suprises me each time. And unlike many would- I actually wish to stay this way.
-Angelique Velez
In Quotations - The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo
Sometimes we tend not to listen to our heart and what it wants us to do, because society has taught us to use our minds instead. It has come to the point where our personal calling is so deeply buried - its as if it was invisible. But it is still there. Dig deep into your soul...and release your heart.
-Angelique Velez
And I will not let anything bring me down - watch me defy gravity
-Angelique Velez
And some of us do not have the courage to confront our own dreams.
-The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo
My thoughts are deep. The people I am surrounded by have been profoundly influenced by this shallow society, and it leaves them unprepared for them to hear, to listen, or to understand me- for they are not ready. And so, I keep the thoughts to myself, therefore making my heart, my mind and my soul - that much heavier.
-Angelique Velez
"It's just amazing how you can be so close to someone and then it's like they're just not there, it's like you were in a dream together once."
Your eyes are able to tell the stories there are no words for
-Angelique Velez
Today I saw a baby cry, and seconds later - I saw it laugh. It amazes me how quickly they can get over the past.
"I wish I could freeze the moment and save it from the tricks of time"
-Slipping Through My fingers - Soundtrack to Mama Mia
"Trained to believe men only pretend to care til they dissapear"
- Sandra Bullock in The Blindside
Never drive faster than your guardian angel can fly
Dear Moon, you look absolutely stunning tonight - you really do. But if you wouldn't mind too much, can you please shift your pretty little self to the right just a smidge so you aren't beaming your brightness right into my window and illuminating my whole room? I would very much appreciate it and tomorrow I will go buy shades.
-Angelique Velez
For the admired - there are many. For the admirer - there is one.
Love is when you give your other half the best part of the cinnabun swirl. (The middle) :-P
-Angelique Velez
"its hard to pretend to love someone when you don't - but even harder to pretend not to love someone when you do"
Love Loudly and Proudly. That's the only way to love.
-Angelique Velez
Don't try to think outside of the box - Think like there is no box.